What is the temperature inside a black hole?
When a star reaches the final stage of its life, it often detonates in cataclysms known as supernovae. Such an explosion scatters mo...
When a star reaches the final stage of its life, it often detonates in cataclysms known as supernovae. Such an explosion scatters most of a star into the void of space but leaves behind a large 'cold' remnant on which fusion no longer takes place. The gravitational pull of a black hole is so strong that even light rays cannot escape from it. The temperature of a black hole is estimated by scientists to be extremely cold. Temperature inside a black hole of the size of our Sun is estimated by scientists to be just 0.000001 degree above absolute zero (-273.10 degrees Celsius). However, temperature just outside the centre of a black hole can be immensely hotter due to extensive friction between other materials which move at the speed of light. At the outermost proximity of a black hole there is an event horizon, which separates the outer space and the command area of a black hole. This is also known as the point of no return. Once matter crosses this boundary, nothing, not even light can escape from within. Astronomers observing black holes through powerful telescopes cannot see beyond event horizon, and therefore, much of what oes on inside this remains shrounded in mystery.