Why does our finger nails grow faster than the toe nails?
It is a fact that fingernails grow 3 times faster than the toenails. However, the exact reason for this is not yet known to scientists...
It is a fact that fingernails grow 3 times faster than the toenails. However, the exact reason for this is not yet known to scientists and doctors. While it takes about 6 months for a fingernail to replace itself from the root at a rate of about 3 millimetres per month, toenails take nearly 18 months to replace at a rate of about 1 millimetre every month. It is generally believed that the faster growth rate of the fingernails is due to greater blood circulation in the hands as com-pared to feet. Due to the same reason, a wound in the feet takes longer to heal as compared to a wound in the hand. Growth of nails occurs because a newly growing nail pushes the dead old nail cells upward. Due to higher blood circulation in the hand, the pace of regeneration of cells is also faster. As a result of this, fingernails grow faster than toenails.