Digestive system is subjected to a number of diseases like caries (tooth decay), mumps (viral disease of Parotids), gingivitis (inflam...

Digestive system is subjected to a number of diseases like caries (tooth decay), mumps (viral disease of Parotids), gingivitis (inflammation of gums), tonsilitis cinpflhoamidt, ncahtioolne: tonsils), glossitis (inflammation of tongue), amoebic dysentery, worm infection, appendicitis (inflammation of vermiform appendix), colitis (inflammation of colon), piles (excessive dilation of rectal veins), jaundice, vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation and indigestion.
- Jaundice : Jaundice is a syndrome caused by excessive presence of bilimbin in blood and its deposition in skin, mucous membranes and sclera. As a result the patient has a yellow appearance. Presence of excess of bilirubin is called hyperbilirubinaemia. ThF, urine of the patient appears yellow.
- Vomiting : Vomiting is forcible expulsion of the contents of stomach through the mouth.
- Diarrhoea : Diarrhoea is excessive frequency and liquidity of faecal discharges. It is caused by viral or bacterial infection of gastrointestinal tract. Excessive loss of body fluid may result in dehydration. To prevent this ORS or oral rehydration solution provided.
- Constipation : Constipation is Infrequent irregular passage of dry hardened faeces. Indigestion is inability to properly digest the food. It may cause injury to digestive tract and produce several complications. The common cause of constipation is reduced roughage content of diet resulting in bowel movement after 2-3 days.